MCQ Paediatric I

9 May 2011

  1. The following would be expected at a one year surveillance review

    1. Walks with one hand held                         
    2. Good pincer grip                             
    3. Drinks from a cup
    4. Happy to go to strangers
    5. Understand simple commands

  2. The following are at risk of paralytic poliomyelitis from oral polio vaccinations:

    1. A 4 year old on chemotherapy for recently diagnosed ALL         
    2. A 2 year old child who received a bone marrow transplant for X-linked Severe Combined Immune Deficiency, 1 year ago                 
    3. A 3 year old boy with Di George Syndrome                 
    4. An 18 month old girl with igG2 sub-class deficiency         
    5. A 7 year old boy with tuberculosis        
  3. A newborn child should be given Hepatitis B immunization and specific immunoglobulin

    1. Mother is Chinese                             
    2. Mother is HBSAg positive                         
    3. Mother is HBSAg positive and HB antibody positive         
    4. Mother is HBC antibody positive                     
    5. Mother is HIV positive        
  4. Regarding lumbar puncture:

    1. It can show a CSF pressure of >200 mmlH2O in normal obese post-pubertal patient                                     
    2. The pressure is unrelated to the presence of retinal vein pulsation 
    3. Abducent nerve palsy is a complication                 
    4. The test is safe with a platelet count of 40 x 109/L             
    5. The severity of headache is related to the size of the needle    
  5. An 18 month old boy presents with recurrent cough. The following make a diagnosis of recurrent aspiration more likely:

    1. Cerebral palsy                                 
    2. History of coughing with feeds                     
    3. Presence of dextro-cardia                     
    4. Presence of failure to thrive                     
    5. Coughing spasms ending in vomiting

  6. Acute laryngotrachealbronchitis (croup):

    1. Is usually caused by RSV infection                 
    2. Is usually preceded by 2-3 days of coryza             
    3. Responds best to racemiic adrenaline                 
    4. If agitated, the patient should should receive mild sedation     
    5. May require IV antibiotics    
  7. Acute bronchiolitis:

    1. Is rare outside infancy                         
    2. Is usually caused by prainfluenza viruses             
    3. May be caused by Influenza virus A or B             
    4. Commonly presents with cough and wheeze             
    5. Paroxysm of coughing can be mistaken for pertussis    
  8. At birth, the following circulatory changes occur:

    1. A rise in the right arterial pressure                 
    2. Flap closure of the foramen ovale                 
    3. Anatomical closure of the ductus arteriosus             
    4. Functional closure of the ductus venosus             
    5. A 20-fold increase in lung blood flow

  9. The following findings suggest that a murmur is innocent:

    1. It is grade 3/6                             
    2. It has a vibratory quality                     
    3. It is louder at the apex                         
    4. It is only heard is the patient is febrile                 
    5. It changes in intensity with posture    
  10. A 6 year old boy presents with fever. The following might contribute to rheumatic fever:

    1. The findings of target lesions on the hand             
    2. The finding of tender nodules in the fingertips             
    3. A prolonged PR interval of ECG                     
    4. A CRP of 10                             
    5. Positive Romberg's sign    
  11. In Nephrotic syndrome:

    1. The prognosis is poorer in children than in adults         
    2. The patients are more than usually susceptible to bacterial infections 
    3. The plasma level of IgG may be diminished                 
    4. Highly selective proteinuria increases the likelihood of complete recovery 
    5. Spontaneous remissions occur only with the 'minimal change' lesion    

  12. In mumps:

    1. The incubation period is usually 21 days                 
    2. Orchitis is typically bilateral                     
    3. Aseptic meningitis is a complication                 
    4. Amylase may be increased despite no evidence of pancreatitis clinically
    5. Sublingual swelling may occur    
  13. In infantile gasteroenteritis:

    1. The main aetiological agent is a virus                 
    2. Treatment should include ampicillin                 
    3. Upper respiratory tract infection can be an associated feature     
    4. It can cause anemia in small babies                 
    5. It can cause lactose malabsorption    
  14. Recognized features of infectious mononucleosis include:

    1. Palatal peticheal hemorrhage                     
    2. Aseptic meningitis                         
    3. Vesicular rash on neck and trunk                 
    4. Raised aspartate amino transferase                 
    5. Splenomegaly            
  15. Early cardiac failure during the neonatal period is often associated with:

    1. Peripheral edema                         
    2. Failure to thrive                         
    3. Feeding difficulties                         
    4. Episodes of apnea                         
    5. A raised pulse rate but normal respiratory rate        
  16. A small VSD is associated with:

    1. A pansystolic murmur heard best at the end of the sterna edge 
    2. A high risk of infective endocarditis                 
    3. Fixed splitting of the second heart sound             
    4. Cyanosis                             
    5. A mid-diastolic murmur at the apex    
  17. A "strawberry" naevus is:

    1. Usually present at birth                         
    2. Best treated immediately if recognized                 
    3. Pulsatile                                 
    4. Often present the nape of the neck                     
    5. A capillary hemangioma    
  18. The following infections are caused by gram-positive organisms:

    1. Whooping cough                             
    2. Typhoid                                 
    3. Diptheria                                 
    4. Ophthalmia neonatorum                         
    5. Tetanus                    
  19. The following occur in childhood asthma:

    1. Cough is the predominant symptoms                     
    2. Stridor                                     
    3. Increased airway resistance                         
    4. Decreased lung compliance                         
    5. Decreased functional residual capacity        
  20. At birth, a baby has:

    1. Stepping reflex                             
    2. Its own IgG                             
    3. Its own IgM                             
    4. Positive Babinski reflex                         
    5. Nasal respiration    
  21. Cyanosis in the first few days of life is likely with:

    1. TGV                                     
    2. TOF
    3. Tricuspid atresia                             
    4. ASD                                     
    5. COA            
  22. G6PD deficiency:

    1. Is inherited as a sex-linked condition                     
    2. Is not clinically manifest in girls                     
    3. Causes drug-induced hemolysis                     
    4. Is an indication for splenectomy                     
    5. Is more pronounced in mature RBC        
  23. A 2 year old Chinese boy was diagnosed to have Kawasaki's disease

    1. He should be referred to a cardiologist                 
    2. IV immunoglobulin should be started as soon as possible         
    3. Scarlet fever is a differential diagnosis                 
    4. He should be started on aspirin                     
    5. History travel to Japan is significant                    
  24. Causes of hypertension in a child include:

    1. Long standing vesico ureteric reflux                     
    2. Cons syndrome                             
    3. COA                                     
    4. Turner's syndrome                             
    5. Cons syndrome            
  25. A 9 month old Malay boy was diagnosed to have hand foot mouth disease

    1. The most common causes is coxsackie virus             
    2. The health authority has to be notified                 
    3. His nursery should be closed                         
    4. He should be admitted to the ward                     
    5. He should be treated with acyclovir            
(Example of MCQs from 1 medical university in Malaysia)

Answer for MCQ Paediatric I- will be post later



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